In the past four decades the U.S. criminal justice system has become more expansive and punitive. As a result, incarceration has become the nations number one response to crime with 70 percent of convictions resulting in confinement.
The Criminal Justice System is Out of Control
- 1 in 42 Americans are currently in prison, or on probation or parole.
- Don’t let this be you. Retain the best criminal defense lawyers in the nation.
- We provide affordable criminal legal protection for our members.
- Protection plans start at $25/Month for qualifying members.
Why You Need a Motion for True Justice Protection Plan.
Whether it be a traffic violation or a felony arrest, 1 in 4 Americans will have some type of altercation with law enforcement this year. If you become one of the four, our plans will provide you with the best legal defense money can buy, but instead of paying $250 to $500 per hour, you only pay a small monthly fee.
Searching for True Justice?
Motion for True Justice offers an affordable array of invaluable legal services to members, attorney members, and non-members that will set in motion true justice for everyone and rebuild the unfair criminal justice system.
We Provide the Best Criminal Defense
Our network of attorneys, crime scene specialists, and expert witnesses will level the playing field during the adversarial process between the prosecution and defense.
We Provide Protection From Wrongful Arrests
Don't Let this be You!
Every year there are over 10 million arrests made in the United States, many of which could have been avoided if the accused's rights were properly protected.
We Will Protect Your Rights!
Our network of qualified, true justice seeking attorneys and CSI team can be on scene of any serious police interaction within 30 minutes to ensure your rights are protected.
Find an Attorney in Your Area
Our attorneys will defend you in any criminal legal matter you are up against.